Well this my friends is the first word post since a long time ago.
This is Friday, the last day of the week. And I am glad because, see, this has been a long week. I just hope that the weekend will be long too because I have alot to do.
My sister and mother are visiting J, E, and now Guy, and I am pretty jealous. Yes. Very jealous. I should so be there and you all know it. Teleportation would come in useful here I think.
Quotes I got today:
"A joke is a funny lie." --ME!
"When a woman is depressed, she eats or goes shopping. A man just goes out and attacks another nation. They are just different." --me with some help from a few sources.
"Men are like pumpkins. It seems like all the good ones are either taken or they've had everything scraped out of their heads with a spoon." --quotepage
"You're gonna fight or die or live!" --Elliot
"Chicken is meat for girls--girly meat." --Maggie
I asked Dane for an especially witty or wise or creative or just something, and he thought for a long long time. And then he said "Oh Ashely I have one!" and here is his brilliance:
"Catapults are high on the food chain." --Dane
Gaaaaahhh these kids are great. There's more but i can't find my book. I just thought Katy would like these ones. This site is for her I hope you all know. So if you like this site, thank my kid sister.
I am busy busy and can't consentrate I hate that when that happens. It always happens when i need consentration most. How frusterating is that. Well let me tell you it's a ton.
Oh here you go, did you really think you could get a word post from me without something to do with the Beatles? Gaaaah if you dont' know me by now you will never ever ever know me tra la la la.
When you're drowning, you don't say 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,' you just scream. --John Lennon
That man was brilliant.
Well i have nothing really brilliant to say. Only that I have been such an abominable clutz lately. I don't know why. AND!! The other day I forgot how to spell my name! I was writing it on my paper and I got to "Ash..." and couldn't think of the rest. Finally remembered an "l" came next, but for the life of me I couldn't think of if it was an "ely" or an "ley". I had to (oh this is embarressing) ask the person next to me if he knew. WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?! That was just crazy! A day in the life. Blaaaaa.
Ah. Family would be interested in this. For breakfast every day I have 1 or 2 link sausage and a yogurt, sometimes a bowl of cereal but not usually. For lunch I have an apple and chips. For dinner I have dinner, full fledged, because I am hungry by then. And then for a midnight (literally) snack I have another yogurt. That is my food plan. So I am eating. :) Don't worry.
Well, I have nothing to say, and I do actually have a picture to post what do you know? But not many. So sorry. None have been taken recently.
Got up in the morning, I’m gonna die
Get to bed at eight o’clock
Coming home and back again--here he comes,
Arthur Pem, singing guitar blues.
over the moon and after the sun
Nobody knows where we’re gonna come.
Katy that was for you, the only person who actually knows what that is from, and can laugh your head off at it. I miss those times....
This video was taken at a vball game Sam took it thought it was a click picture, and you can go from there
Pictures from that day:

Picture not from that day but I like anyway:

And with that, I leave you. Love peace and chicken grease.
Forever yours, AjH