Thursday, June 18, 2009

Things are going greatly. Latin isn't half as bad as I was expecting. It's me, 2 other girls in my class, and then some teachers/grad students wanting to be latin teachers.

Maybe it's because the contrast is so huge. I came here expecting to completely fail. I got here and (to my knowledge, tho not confirmed yet) did great on the first test, and am understanding things so much more this time around. It's amazing. The hardest thing about it is being here and having to pretend like I'm not. I can't hang out with anyone and I am invited to lots of things but I have to be lame and say no. I get lots of phone calls but no time to talk so I ignore them and feel really guilty. But in the end I hope everyone will understand.

So the final is on Friday.

and this squirrel says,


Saturday, June 13, 2009

I am off to the land of potatoes, the land of wheat fields, the land of no mountains. Yes, I'm off to Idaho again. The time has come that I go and try to finish up my term of failed latin. I've been studying and still I'm shakingly nervous and very not confidant. Straight off we take a test on Monday, and then the Final is on Friday. It is vitally important that I pass this. It will be a headache (to say the least. prolly more like a migraine) if this doesn't work.

Doomsday approaches.

Before latin crushes me (i'm sure you can put who is who in this picture), i bid thee adieu.