Sometimes I push on my face to try to feel what I'd look like if i had no skin. you know, what my skull looks like. it's interesting. Also interesting for people to watch. Sometimes they watch. Interesting.
My henna I drew last friday looked cool until it faded weird and now it looks bad and my guys made fun of me the whole day yesterday at the station. Boys are stupid. I guess my henna is too. We're even then. Ha.
But I'm eating a poppyseed muffin.
My fish are swimming nicely. Fish 1 is a glutton. Ye know not what spirit ye are of.
On Friday I sent out a Payroll reminder to the guys. And I said the word Verily. Word. They knew not what spirit I was of. Or what time period.
Yesterday I filled up a Corvette Sting Ray. It was beautiful. Please stay with me.
Sail with me.
I called a guy at work Sasquatch and he is pouting so I bought some Reese's for him. He said hearing my apology was not enough. So now he can eat it.