Yar my pirate booty, I'm sick and have a headache and am freezing cold and yet also very warm so here are some picahs and then i be off to try to get warm.
I help make dinners.

I help eat dinners.

Rach and me. If she's not careful her face will stay that way.

Becca me and Mitch. About 8 of us went up the mountain when it was dark (and the moon was 98% full) and had Eagle Scout Tim build a fire. It was so cool! lova lova lova it. We had some UI girls come and they left before us so me Tucker and Mitch ran ahead of them and hid in the bushes on the side of the path. As the girls drove down me and Mitch sprung out and attacked their car.... omg omg omg that was AMAAAAZINGLY mean, we scared them silly. Then they kept driving and then Tucker does the same thing... throws himself on the car and rolls off... holy cow they screeeeeamed!! Awesome!! Yah we've been on a Zombie movie kick and had those girls come once so they were already scared; not that they are normally easy to scare or anything... Anyway, my life is kickin.

A new boyfriend or two:

Hallah hallah.
Me and part of Maggie. We climb rocks and jump off cliffs into water and live to take pictures after.

Becca Jen and me. Hardcore.

This is Jen. We are baller.

1 comment:
It sounds like you are having way too much fun for being at school, I better have a word with your principal and teachers - more homework, MORE LATIN yeah, now we're talkin'. Got to cut out the cliff jumping! At least until you go wakeboarding! See you sommmmetime Dale
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