Monday, March 08, 2010

and the beat goes on.
on and on and on.

i'm actually kind of proud of myself on how industrious i've been lately. i've finished a book, i'm reading two others, i've been cooking a ton, i've been playing the guitar a ton, i own two goldfish, have cleaned their cage two times. i'm halfway through season 1 of happy days. and of course going through that 70's show for the how many-th time? my room has stayed clean the whole time i've been home. i'm learning some dutch. i'll feed my fish in an hour.

fish. ducks. peacocks. and probably alot of other animals-- have you noticed the girls are uglier and fatter? i came upon this realization when i was talking to my friend Sarah. i look at my fish, and fish 1 is bigger. he must be the guy. Fish 2 is smaller. that is another guy in my mind (i've never gotten a girl pet), but if there must be a girl in that bowl then Fish 2 is a girl. (it better not be a girl. i do not want goldfish babies.) but then i read this article and it said the fat ones are the girls! what what? yeah. animals would make a weaker girl go feminist. that and lionesses go hunting.
they so butch.

i hear back from the job i interviewed for on wednesday. i want it. it would be good if i got it. but all i can do is wait. mmkay deal. i will keep on cooking and reading and feeding my goldfish. and quilt. i'll get back to my quilt. yes, my QUILT, jen! oh my gosh i'm such a nifty homemaker. i need to have an adventure. my whole self is aching for a crazy adventure...and a bonfire. there is only so many books i can read before needing to go crazy!

la de da da dee
la de da da dah.


Christy Kohl said...

what books are you reading??

and yeah, it kinda bugs me that the girl animals are always uglier. and female praying mantises eat the males which is disgusting.

Jennifer said...

ahihihiaha i can't wait to see your quilt:) we should take it on an adventure to the mountain with us.

Kathleen said...

Ashley, I miss you. And I love the way you write. It cracketh me up, as my mother would say.

A.Hoogendam said...

christy- i finished Manalive (chesterton-- awesome book, side by side to orthodoxy) 2 days ago, today i finished Slaughterhouse Five, and tonight i started Lord of the Flies, and I am still working on With Amusement for All on the side. Busy bee.
Jen- Deal.
Kathleen- forsooth! glad it amuseth, as your mother might say.

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