Friday, December 14, 2007
So no pictures but you can know what's up anyway.
So tomorrow is the last day of the review week. I have to study hard. And Friday is just one of the best days of the week. Then on Saturday of next week I go home. That's the plan. And I'll miss out on all the sweet parties that'll happen once I am gone. I bet they said, "Oh! Ashley'll be gone! Let's have all the parties!" I know their little minds better than they think.
Well the weather here is dry I guess. It's been snowing alot and thats awesome because I love snow and cold weather and all that. Dry weather has been drying out my lips. It hurts real bad man. And I have no chapstick.
Christmas is coming. Gaaaa I am not ready man. Not ready. And I cleaned my room. ANd then I had to go upstairs for dinner. Then when I came back downstairs and looked in my room I scared myself...I wasn't used to how clean it was I forgot that I cleaned it.
Well nothing phenominal is happening or happened.
We began with concluding remarks.
And that's what I said.
Carry on.
So tomorrow is the last day of the review week. I have to study hard. And Friday is just one of the best days of the week. Then on Saturday of next week I go home. That's the plan. And I'll miss out on all the sweet parties that'll happen once I am gone. I bet they said, "Oh! Ashley'll be gone! Let's have all the parties!" I know their little minds better than they think.
Well the weather here is dry I guess. It's been snowing alot and thats awesome because I love snow and cold weather and all that. Dry weather has been drying out my lips. It hurts real bad man. And I have no chapstick.
Christmas is coming. Gaaaa I am not ready man. Not ready. And I cleaned my room. ANd then I had to go upstairs for dinner. Then when I came back downstairs and looked in my room I scared myself...I wasn't used to how clean it was I forgot that I cleaned it.
Well nothing phenominal is happening or happened.
We began with concluding remarks.
And that's what I said.
Carry on.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
My Chemical Romance UK Single - I Don't Love You
just ONE of my favorite My Chemical Romance songs--it freaking rocks, and i thought i'd share the love. There will be more to come because i love them so much.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Pictures will come. I swear. Just not yet. I still haven't obtained them. They remain unobtained.
A ton has happened and I regret to say that I will not be able to inform you all of it. Because most of it I forgot already. My memory has worsened. I have a very selective long term memory, and a very fluent and progressively shortening short-term memory. It isn't even funny. I am so dead serious. School is going well i suppose, I haven't been able to concentrate lately but I suppose that happens sometimes. Not all that long until Christmas break--bitter sweet, nice to go home and all, but it will be hard to leave this kids here and miss all the parties.
Friday is the first Varsity Basketball game, so I'm pretty excited. It'll friggin rock I'm sure. And I dont' know what else is happening. It's been snowing's beautiful. Thus, it is cold. But, that's what jackets are for! And I have a jacket! So i stay warm.
Ever wish you always had the right words to say. Well I do. There's so many times when I think to myself "Ashley NOW is the time for you to say something phenominal; if not phenominal, it's the opportune moment to help." You know that there is a perfect comment, question, or something to say that could help someone else, and yet you are speechless. It' you are helpless. You just gotta pray for the words. And still they don't come. But so much depends on them. What if you say the wrong thing? Then don't speak. What if not speaking is the wrong thing? See you just can't know. It makes things so difficult. I deal with this constantly. Words hold so much power, you know gotta know how to use them effectively...therein consists the power. Sometimes, it's not just the thought that counts, but how the thought is expressed. But you know you gotta help, one way or another, you just don't know how.
And there you have it. Some of my inner thoughts. You don't get that very often now do you? Relish it.
aslkdfj slkfj;asl slkdjfksla (for one person who can understand that if its ever read by that one person) haha I have actually been listening to the Swedish Chef. It's just hilarious!! Seriously you should watch him. Laugh your head off, put it back on, laugh it off again.
Well I'll post more when i get pix. I promise.
"it's times like these when you know you just have to more guessing."
(my new quote. i made it up just now.)
A ton has happened and I regret to say that I will not be able to inform you all of it. Because most of it I forgot already. My memory has worsened. I have a very selective long term memory, and a very fluent and progressively shortening short-term memory. It isn't even funny. I am so dead serious. School is going well i suppose, I haven't been able to concentrate lately but I suppose that happens sometimes. Not all that long until Christmas break--bitter sweet, nice to go home and all, but it will be hard to leave this kids here and miss all the parties.
Friday is the first Varsity Basketball game, so I'm pretty excited. It'll friggin rock I'm sure. And I dont' know what else is happening. It's been snowing's beautiful. Thus, it is cold. But, that's what jackets are for! And I have a jacket! So i stay warm.
Ever wish you always had the right words to say. Well I do. There's so many times when I think to myself "Ashley NOW is the time for you to say something phenominal; if not phenominal, it's the opportune moment to help." You know that there is a perfect comment, question, or something to say that could help someone else, and yet you are speechless. It' you are helpless. You just gotta pray for the words. And still they don't come. But so much depends on them. What if you say the wrong thing? Then don't speak. What if not speaking is the wrong thing? See you just can't know. It makes things so difficult. I deal with this constantly. Words hold so much power, you know gotta know how to use them effectively...therein consists the power. Sometimes, it's not just the thought that counts, but how the thought is expressed. But you know you gotta help, one way or another, you just don't know how.
And there you have it. Some of my inner thoughts. You don't get that very often now do you? Relish it.
aslkdfj slkfj;asl slkdjfksla (for one person who can understand that if its ever read by that one person) haha I have actually been listening to the Swedish Chef. It's just hilarious!! Seriously you should watch him. Laugh your head off, put it back on, laugh it off again.
Well I'll post more when i get pix. I promise.
"it's times like these when you know you just have to more guessing."
(my new quote. i made it up just now.)
Friday, November 02, 2007
Well well. Still no pictures because I haven't gotten them from Stacey yet. But, I will talk anyways. So school is still going well. And so is everything else really. Except for my hair, because well of what happened this morning.
This morning, I wake up at 3.00am because sometimes I just do that thinking that it was time to get up. And today was no exception. So I look at my clock and it says, "3:15" and I say "oh shoot not again. Better make sure my alarm is on." So I feel around my clock and finally find the "on/off" switch. And I say, "Good thing I woke up to check this, my alarm is off. Silly girl." and I turn it on, smiling at my craftiness--for once I was observant and thoughtful, a good thing to smile about. And then, next thing I know, Kate (the other boarder) says my name "Ashley, are you up? Mrs. Menadier asked me to wake you up." Me: "Oh, that's funny. What time is it?" Kate: "7.45". 7.50?! NO WAY!!! My alarm was set for 6.35!!! So I had about 5 minutes to get ready. How could this happen?!! So I rush and rush and get ready but alas, no shower. Which is why my hair isn't going well. Anyway, so I rush and slap on some clothes that look acceptable, run and brush my teeth, and grabed my bags and run upstairs and shove a yogurt down my throat. And believe it or not I was ready just on time. Oh I was glad. But boy I was out of it. Very out of it. Voice was froglike, and I was more than normally clumsy. Sigh. Oh well. I got to class on time. Which is nice. But its not nice for my hair. Oh and I figured out why my alarm didn't go off---When I had so wittingly turned my alarm ON, my clock was upside down. I had turned my alarm OFF. Providence.....
So well the newest news is that my family is coming up next week. I won't have all that much time with them because I am in the play you know, but it will be nice to see them again. My sister's 3rd anniversary is today. And I'm sending their card tomorrow. They won't receive it for a couple days I am terrible I know.
Well now that you know that. That's about all I have to say. I won't bore you with what I got for school assignments. But school is mostly what I'm up to. The play I'm working in starts performing on Wednesday--exciting really they are doing really well and it's a hilarious play. I've seen it a ton of times and still find it funny. And I need to charge my cell phone. Tsk tsk. So much to do so much to do.
And we all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun--
This morning, I wake up at 3.00am because sometimes I just do that thinking that it was time to get up. And today was no exception. So I look at my clock and it says, "3:15" and I say "oh shoot not again. Better make sure my alarm is on." So I feel around my clock and finally find the "on/off" switch. And I say, "Good thing I woke up to check this, my alarm is off. Silly girl." and I turn it on, smiling at my craftiness--for once I was observant and thoughtful, a good thing to smile about. And then, next thing I know, Kate (the other boarder) says my name "Ashley, are you up? Mrs. Menadier asked me to wake you up." Me: "Oh, that's funny. What time is it?" Kate: "7.45". 7.50?! NO WAY!!! My alarm was set for 6.35!!! So I had about 5 minutes to get ready. How could this happen?!! So I rush and rush and get ready but alas, no shower. Which is why my hair isn't going well. Anyway, so I rush and slap on some clothes that look acceptable, run and brush my teeth, and grabed my bags and run upstairs and shove a yogurt down my throat. And believe it or not I was ready just on time. Oh I was glad. But boy I was out of it. Very out of it. Voice was froglike, and I was more than normally clumsy. Sigh. Oh well. I got to class on time. Which is nice. But its not nice for my hair. Oh and I figured out why my alarm didn't go off---When I had so wittingly turned my alarm ON, my clock was upside down. I had turned my alarm OFF. Providence.....
So well the newest news is that my family is coming up next week. I won't have all that much time with them because I am in the play you know, but it will be nice to see them again. My sister's 3rd anniversary is today. And I'm sending their card tomorrow. They won't receive it for a couple days I am terrible I know.
Well now that you know that. That's about all I have to say. I won't bore you with what I got for school assignments. But school is mostly what I'm up to. The play I'm working in starts performing on Wednesday--exciting really they are doing really well and it's a hilarious play. I've seen it a ton of times and still find it funny. And I need to charge my cell phone. Tsk tsk. So much to do so much to do.
And we all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun--
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Well well. Again no pictures to show you really. Because I don't have any pictures for myself either. But I will let you know what be up anyway. With words.
Well quarter finals were last week. They went well pretty much. Latin is alittle sad for me, but I'll know my for sure grades and all that on Thursday. It's getting more challenging now. And thats what I have to say about school basically.
I have wanted a doughnut for weeks and weeks but haven't given in yet. Oh I want one real bad man, real bad. But I have had Starbucks, because I've had certificates and free is an amazing price if I say so myself. I have had Chinese twice and I LOVE chinese food. I will have it again tomorrow I think it is.
Well that's about what I have to say really. I've been doing well, I had a soar throat for a couple days now, but its been getting better. Just needing more water than usual. Ha.
I have a new love of a, my top bands now are: Beatles and Pink Floyd, just so you know. I am really really really into them. I have before of course, but it's just gotten heavier.
So there you have it. Updates on my school, health, food cravings, and music. What more could you ask for? You can answer that question if you so desire.
Until I catch you later,
I will leave you.
"I'm telling you. People come and go in this Forest, and they say, 'It's only Eeyore, so it doesn't count.' They walk to and fro saying, 'Ha ha!' But do they know anything about A? They don't. It's just three sticks to them. But to the Educated - mark this, little Piglet- to the Educated, not meaning Poohs and Piglets, it's a great and glorious A." --Eeyore
So I sign this,
The great and glorious A.
Well quarter finals were last week. They went well pretty much. Latin is alittle sad for me, but I'll know my for sure grades and all that on Thursday. It's getting more challenging now. And thats what I have to say about school basically.
I have wanted a doughnut for weeks and weeks but haven't given in yet. Oh I want one real bad man, real bad. But I have had Starbucks, because I've had certificates and free is an amazing price if I say so myself. I have had Chinese twice and I LOVE chinese food. I will have it again tomorrow I think it is.
Well that's about what I have to say really. I've been doing well, I had a soar throat for a couple days now, but its been getting better. Just needing more water than usual. Ha.
I have a new love of a, my top bands now are: Beatles and Pink Floyd, just so you know. I am really really really into them. I have before of course, but it's just gotten heavier.
So there you have it. Updates on my school, health, food cravings, and music. What more could you ask for? You can answer that question if you so desire.
Until I catch you later,
I will leave you.
"I'm telling you. People come and go in this Forest, and they say, 'It's only Eeyore, so it doesn't count.' They walk to and fro saying, 'Ha ha!' But do they know anything about A? They don't. It's just three sticks to them. But to the Educated - mark this, little Piglet- to the Educated, not meaning Poohs and Piglets, it's a great and glorious A." --Eeyore
So I sign this,
The great and glorious A.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Ok so the news now is that quarter finals are this week. And friday is no school! Joy. And bigger joy--on wednesday I don't have Rhetoric 1 and so I get to go to British Literature class! Hooray. I have a Apologetics final on Wednesday, and impromptu's this week as the final. So that's school for you.
The food news is that I really want Chinese food.
And there is no other news. And no new pictures either. Sorry.
Good night.
For Katy and her little amusment:
New York, August 28, 1964
QUESTION: How do you like this welcome?
RINGO: So this is America. They all seem out of their minds.
. . . QUESTION: How tall are you?
RINGO: Two feet, nine inches.
QUESTION: Paul, what do you think of columnist Walter Winchell?
PAUL: He said I’m married and I’m not.
GEORGE: Maybe he wants to marry you!
QUESTION: How did you find America?
RINGO: We went to Greenland and made a left turn.
QUESTION: Is it true you can’t sing?
QUESTION: Why don’t you smile, George?
GEORGE: I’ll hurt my lips.
QUESTION: What’s your reaction to a Seattle psychiatrist’s opinion that you are a menace.
GEORGE: Psychiatrists are a menace.
QUESTION: What’s this about an annual illness, George?
GEORGE: I get cancer every year.
. . . QUESTION: George, how do you feel about the nightclub, Arthur, named after your hairstyle?
GEORGE: I was proud, until I saw the nightclub.
QUESTION: What do you consider the most important thing in life?
PAUL: I once knew a fellow on the Dingle who had two dads. He used to call them Number One Dad and Number Two Dad. Now apparently Number One Dad wasn’t nice. He sued to throw the boy on the fire, which can develop a lot of complexes in a young lad.
RINGO: I remember my uncle putting a red-hot poker on me, and that’s no lie. He was trying to frighten me.
PAUL: Tell me, Ringo, do all your relatives go round applying red-hot pokers to you?
JOHN: It’s the only way they can identify them.
PAUL: You see, Ringo comes from a depressed area.
JOHN: Some people call it the slums.
RINGO: No, the slums are farther.
. . . QUESTION: What frightens you most?
JOHN: The thing I’m afraid of is growing old. I hate that. You get old and you’ve missed it somehow. The old always resent the young and vice versa.
RINGO: I’d like to end up, sort of, unforgettable.
QUESTION: Ringo, why are you always so quiet?
RINGO: I don’t like talking. It’s how I’m built. Some people gab all day and some people play it smogo. I don’t mind talking or smiling. I just don’t do it very much. I haven’t got a smiling face or a talking mouth.
The food news is that I really want Chinese food.
And there is no other news. And no new pictures either. Sorry.
Good night.
For Katy and her little amusment:
New York, August 28, 1964
QUESTION: How do you like this welcome?
RINGO: So this is America. They all seem out of their minds.
. . . QUESTION: How tall are you?
RINGO: Two feet, nine inches.
QUESTION: Paul, what do you think of columnist Walter Winchell?
PAUL: He said I’m married and I’m not.
GEORGE: Maybe he wants to marry you!
QUESTION: How did you find America?
RINGO: We went to Greenland and made a left turn.
QUESTION: Is it true you can’t sing?
QUESTION: Why don’t you smile, George?
GEORGE: I’ll hurt my lips.
QUESTION: What’s your reaction to a Seattle psychiatrist’s opinion that you are a menace.
GEORGE: Psychiatrists are a menace.
QUESTION: What’s this about an annual illness, George?
GEORGE: I get cancer every year.
. . . QUESTION: George, how do you feel about the nightclub, Arthur, named after your hairstyle?
GEORGE: I was proud, until I saw the nightclub.
QUESTION: What do you consider the most important thing in life?
PAUL: I once knew a fellow on the Dingle who had two dads. He used to call them Number One Dad and Number Two Dad. Now apparently Number One Dad wasn’t nice. He sued to throw the boy on the fire, which can develop a lot of complexes in a young lad.
RINGO: I remember my uncle putting a red-hot poker on me, and that’s no lie. He was trying to frighten me.
PAUL: Tell me, Ringo, do all your relatives go round applying red-hot pokers to you?
JOHN: It’s the only way they can identify them.
PAUL: You see, Ringo comes from a depressed area.
JOHN: Some people call it the slums.
RINGO: No, the slums are farther.
. . . QUESTION: What frightens you most?
JOHN: The thing I’m afraid of is growing old. I hate that. You get old and you’ve missed it somehow. The old always resent the young and vice versa.
RINGO: I’d like to end up, sort of, unforgettable.
QUESTION: Ringo, why are you always so quiet?
RINGO: I don’t like talking. It’s how I’m built. Some people gab all day and some people play it smogo. I don’t mind talking or smiling. I just don’t do it very much. I haven’t got a smiling face or a talking mouth.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
The newest update I can give you all is that I made tea about an hour ago, it was too hot and so logically I let it sit for a while, to cool off. After all, who wants a burnt tounge when they have to give a speech the next morning? No one with a sane brain. And maybe I got a little distracted, and I let it sit too long. So now it is lukewarm. I hate lukewarm, just like God does. Haha! Okay how do you like that comparison?
Not much else new except for the fact that I need to give my room a cleaning.
These are pictures, just two, sorry, taken when we were playing Mad Gab. Grr I need a new camera. All these are taken with stacey's. That's what I'll a few years....

Not much else new except for the fact that I need to give my room a cleaning.
These are pictures, just two, sorry, taken when we were playing Mad Gab. Grr I need a new camera. All these are taken with stacey's. That's what I'll a few years....
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Well this my friends is the first word post since a long time ago.
This is Friday, the last day of the week. And I am glad because, see, this has been a long week. I just hope that the weekend will be long too because I have alot to do.
My sister and mother are visiting J, E, and now Guy, and I am pretty jealous. Yes. Very jealous. I should so be there and you all know it. Teleportation would come in useful here I think.
Quotes I got today:
"A joke is a funny lie." --ME!
"A joke is a funny lie." --ME!
"When a woman is depressed, she eats or goes shopping. A man just goes out and attacks another nation. They are just different." --me with some help from a few sources.
"Men are like pumpkins. It seems like all the good ones are either taken or they've had everything scraped out of their heads with a spoon." --quotepage
"You're gonna fight or die or live!" --Elliot
"Chicken is meat for girls--girly meat." --Maggie
I asked Dane for an especially witty or wise or creative or just something, and he thought for a long long time. And then he said "Oh Ashely I have one!" and here is his brilliance:
"Catapults are high on the food chain." --Dane
Gaaaaahhh these kids are great. There's more but i can't find my book. I just thought Katy would like these ones. This site is for her I hope you all know. So if you like this site, thank my kid sister.
I am busy busy and can't consentrate I hate that when that happens. It always happens when i need consentration most. How frusterating is that. Well let me tell you it's a ton.
Oh here you go, did you really think you could get a word post from me without something to do with the Beatles? Gaaaah if you dont' know me by now you will never ever ever know me tra la la la.
When you're drowning, you don't say 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,' you just scream. --John Lennon
That man was brilliant.
Well i have nothing really brilliant to say. Only that I have been such an abominable clutz lately. I don't know why. AND!! The other day I forgot how to spell my name! I was writing it on my paper and I got to "Ash..." and couldn't think of the rest. Finally remembered an "l" came next, but for the life of me I couldn't think of if it was an "ely" or an "ley". I had to (oh this is embarressing) ask the person next to me if he knew. WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?! That was just crazy! A day in the life. Blaaaaa.
Ah. Family would be interested in this. For breakfast every day I have 1 or 2 link sausage and a yogurt, sometimes a bowl of cereal but not usually. For lunch I have an apple and chips. For dinner I have dinner, full fledged, because I am hungry by then. And then for a midnight (literally) snack I have another yogurt. That is my food plan. So I am eating. :) Don't worry.
Well, I have nothing to say, and I do actually have a picture to post what do you know? But not many. So sorry. None have been taken recently.
Got up in the morning, I’m gonna die
Get to bed at eight o’clock
Coming home and back again--here he comes,
Arthur Pem, singing guitar blues.
over the moon and after the sun
Nobody knows where we’re gonna come.
Katy that was for you, the only person who actually knows what that is from, and can laugh your head off at it. I miss those times....
This video was taken at a vball game Sam took it thought it was a click picture, and you can go from there
Picture not from that day but I like anyway:
And with that, I leave you. Love peace and chicken grease.
Forever yours, AjH
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
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