The newest update I can give you all is that I made tea about an hour ago, it was too hot and so logically I let it sit for a while, to cool off. After all, who wants a burnt tounge when they have to give a speech the next morning? No one with a sane brain. And maybe I got a little distracted, and I let it sit too long. So now it is lukewarm. I hate lukewarm, just like God does. Haha! Okay how do you like that comparison?
Not much else new except for the fact that I need to give my room a cleaning.
These are pictures, just two, sorry, taken when we were playing Mad Gab. Grr I need a new camera. All these are taken with stacey's. That's what I'll a few years....

I wanna see your room. lol Please take a picture of that! Good update..
Graham Carver Jaroski
I've been reading your blog but never posted, so here it goes-a response as you've requested.
I'm glad to see you are thinking biblically about your tea temperature! Maybe you'll try sipping your tea like the English, err, uh, Irish! It doesn't burn near so badly that way.
Tu Madre
Salve! Spero pensum non nimis difficilis esse. Domum eo-cras! (ea gaudio exsultat...) :-) Valete, y'all... Dulces picturae, btw. And that doesn't go in commonplace books!
haha sounds like you.
that was me by the way.
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