Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Let's see. Nope. We won't. Just two pictures from today.

Chantelle, Stayc, Me. BooYA.

Toodle doo.


Anonymous said...

Very Wierd. lol

Graham Carver Jaroski

e.c said...

you are becoming a hick. and that's a dumb version of that song. it's like half country half jewish half carnie.
a jewish hick carnie song.

Anonymous said...

I know I know. But I just can not. I don't have anything to post about. lol
I still want to do a photoshoot with Truman but I just can not get the time. Maybe I will do it Sunday. But I will try and post tonight. I will bring the camera around the house and TRY and find something interesting. lol cya
But I was really waiting for Joseph to update. He told me as soon as I update that means you need to update...

Graham Carver Jaroski

Anonymous said...

ok ok Well I will try and update tonight. But I don't have anything yet. By the way that is not a good sign. Joseph's blog is.
Just comment and tell him he needs to update. If he gets alot of them he will just say hey guys I am still alive. Then we will comment again and tell him that is cheating. lol cya around

Graham Carver Jaroski

Anonymous said...

well i still think your a hick. or becoming one. even with straight hair. :) there i commented. I'm doing my country now and am trying to write a paper on the history of the netherlands ha. Big subject. :) But i'll get more points if i do it and i'm doing terrible at points. mrs. winslow is a TOUGH cookie dude. tough.