Thursday, January 31, 2008

Stacey is in love with this picture. Josh likes it alot too. I tried my luck at eye liner the other was fun....i also have more pics like this but a bit more... scary. haha
more pix to come once people get me them.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture.
I want to see more will you send them to me or facbook them?

Anonymous said...

haha nice pix. it looks nice. :)

David K said...

haha, very emo of you.

The Davis Family said...

Yes, it is cool... but in an emo sort of way. SNAP OUT OF IT ASH!

e.c said...

haha!brian & rachel agree with me. you look like heidi c.

Anonymous said...

^.^ Awesomely awesome. And I dont understand what gives these people the nerve to tell you what to snap out of.... maybe you guys should snap out of your own selfish snobbery and mind your own life. Or as that one bible verse says something about removing the plank in your eye before removing the speck in your neighbors. So basically. Rock on Ashley!!

Anonymous said...

^.^ Awesomely awesome. And I dont understand what gives these people the nerve to tell you what to snap out of.... maybe you guys should snap out of your own selfish snobbery and mind your own life. Or as that one bible verse says something about removing the plank in your eye before removing the speck in your neighbors. So basically. Rock on Ashley!!

Kamikaze_Saint said...

I think it's the most awesome picture I have ever seen. You definitely have a "look" going. And this look rocks. Just remember to clean it off before you go to bed next time. Although, I think scaring people with it would be loads of fun.

Oh, and I agree with what ^ said above. Bugger off people. Sheesh. Worry about yourselves first. And stay away from them stereotypes. They can be dangerous.

Paper Thin Defenses said...

for sure Geoffykins! *hugs Geoffy* ^.^

Anonymous said...


The Davis Family said...

Wow... I got flamed! Cool. Ash, are you still my friend?

Paper Thin Defenses said...

uhm...just is what the Anonymous said relevant to any of this lol. Uhm..was taht your mum? lol.

"Seasons change but people dont"
And either way...its cool to help someone if they ask for it and its the right type of help. Its not your decision if their life isnt the way you think it should be. Their life not yours. Anyways... "GOODY GOODY"

Ps: rofl....uhm I was going to apologize for being rather rude but the fact is...I meant every word I said. Im sure I could have said it more respectfully but hey! We all have our problems ^.^ Peace and love. lol.

*hugs Ashley*

Anonymous said...

If I have something to say, I sign it, no the above wasn't me. As for your invitation for me to contact you, I can't see why, Ashley's tried to reason with you for months it doesn't seem like you want help, you want to be miserable and find others to join you, that is, Ashley and Geoff for starters. I just pray Ashley doesn't continue to sink down right along with you. She's gone too far already. I do ask that you stop influencing her against her family and friends. We're not her enemies.
Ashley's mom

Paper Thin Defenses said...

To Ashleys mum. Ashleys attempts at reasoning with me?? i cant remember one. Im unclear on what you mean by her attempts of reasoning with me.

Wanting to be miserable?? I would like to know what you base these assumptions on? honestly. I dont believe we have met or actuelly had a meaningful conversation. O.o And the last thing I ahve been doing is Dragginf Ashley and Geoff down. I mean Ashley ahs been like this since I met her. She has been telling me and all I ahev been doing is LISTENING. Something you should try and do without saying how wrong she is. From a relgion stand point. We all go through a time where we question things. Its only natural. She is going through some hard times and hard decisions and you arent making it very easy for her. You should try supporting her a bit more instead of breaking everything down and attempting to MAKE her a certain way.

I too hope she stops sinkng further and further from a good happy life, but I assure you its nothing to do with me. Some of my writings may seem that way but have you bothered thinking about what I DIDNT post?? there is always more than the surface.

Also...I am not turning her away from her friends and family. I cant even tell you a thing about any of ehr friends. Only..Daniel, Geoff, Paul?? yeah. Only names I know. I know Geoff very well. I talked TO Daniel and Ashley about Politics and War. And I have heard about Paul. I dont talk to ehr about you or your dad. I do bring up Emily but taht is because I dont like her or whats his face. For reasons of my own. Ashley is the way she is because thats her...its not me you see coming out of her. I dont influence my friends. I encourage them. All my friends are the ones I truly care about. I dont drag them down or belittle them. Anyways...