Saturday, February 23, 2008

Yep, Im the rugged one.... I just never really fit in with princesses do I.... heh heh

OO! This was so fun. So this school has a day of games/competition: archery, chess, ping pong, sword fighting.... the girls cant sword fight (i archered), but I really really wanted to... so on the side lines I borrowed one of Charles' swords (some metal pipe thing covered with foam i think) and fought him.... I found out that I am yet again weak... my poor forearm... but it was really fun. He was nice and didn't destroy me... but i ended up without any limbs. Heh. Then I fought a few other people, came up with my own moves (that i stole from Gladiator)... and I think with practice I'd be pretty alright.

Yah that's all I got as of now. Have fun, knock yourself out.


Paper Thin Defenses said...

I truly do miss Knights fest. lol. I gashed my knuckles open on malcolm's darn metal sheild last year. Im sure i alreay told you taht one. Malcolm and I had fun being retards in the all out melees too. Just cahrging into the entire army before they went to fight and knocking over sa many people as possible before we hiot the ground. Good stuff. Did they do any awesome skits for the feast??? Best one ever was the skit of SNL's more cowbell one. They reenacted it and it was AMAZING!!! So well done and so hilarious. Or the Backstreet Boys one was good to lol.

Kamikaze_Saint said...

Oooh... looks like you had fun. I am jealous. Sword fighting is always fun, even with fake ones. I just go nuts with them. People usually give us because I'm knocking their sword out of their hands I'm hitting it so hard. I can be very intimidating with a blunt object in hand. :D

Anonymous said...

Yeah! more pictures!! But forgive me, I can't seem to find the rugged one..., you are all lovely ladies. Definitely dangerous with those Gladiator moves, but lovely just the same. Good luck with all the memorizing, I would have never made it through college.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Ashley...Looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for all the photos! And Thai food....yum yum'll have to teach me some recipes when you're home for Spring break...if you have time. :) Love me when you get a break!

Love ya,
Aunt J

Anonymous said...

ohhhh i like food.... and knights fest ....i want food more though....

Anonymous said...

My favorite picture is of you holding the mirror! It looks so wierd on you! lol

The Davis Family said...

Haha - the pictures are great. You're almost to spring break! That means no more writing soon!

Mel Mell said...

The guys made you dinner? Wow - that IS impressive! Sword fighting sounds fun. I think you would cream me if we fought... although I did lethally wound Austin in a pussywillow fight! anyway... goodluck with the schoolstuff.. don't envy you there. Yay for spring break! :-D

e.c said...

haha. a pussywillow fight. that's awesome. i'm inspired to suprise jake with a pillow to the face. it's been a while. he deserves it.
Gladiator moves eh? That's like one of the most awesome things you could ever do!!! You should also pick up some moves from Achilles in Troy. His little jump/stab'd win for sure!
I am glad to learn that you have weak forearms. I don't. I like learning my enemy's weaknesses. I will DOMINATE!
I didn't know you went to a club afterwards! (you said dance, i say club. i'm sure you didn't go to a club, but maybe...) That's cool. We should have a swing thing this summer. You'll be invited.

e.c said...

haha. a pussywillow fight. that's awesome. i'm inspired to suprise jake with a pillow to the face. it's been a while. he deserves it.
Gladiator moves eh? That's like one of the most awesome things you could ever do!!! You should also pick up some moves from Achilles in Troy. His little jump/stab'd win for sure!
I am glad to learn that you have weak forearms. I don't. I like learning my enemy's weaknesses. I will DOMINATE!
I didn't know you went to a club afterwards! (you said dance, i say club. i'm sure you didn't go to a club, but maybe...) That's cool. We should have a swing thing this summer. You'll be invited.

e.c said...

haha. a pussywillow fight. that's awesome. i'm inspired to suprise jake with a pillow to the face. it's been a while. he deserves it.
Gladiator moves eh? That's like one of the most awesome things you could ever do!!! You should also pick up some moves from Achilles in Troy. His little jump/stab'd win for sure!
I am glad to learn that you have weak forearms. I don't. I like learning my enemy's weaknesses. I will DOMINATE!
I didn't know you went to a club afterwards! (you said dance, i say club. i'm sure you didn't go to a club, but maybe...) That's cool. We should have a swing thing this summer. You'll be invited.

e.c said...

haha. a pussywillow fight. that's awesome. i'm inspired to suprise jake with a pillow to the face. it's been a while. he deserves it.
Gladiator moves eh? That's like one of the most awesome things you could ever do!!! You should also pick up some moves from Achilles in Troy. His little jump/stab'd win for sure!
I am glad to learn that you have weak forearms. I don't. I like learning my enemy's weaknesses. I will DOMINATE!
I didn't know you went to a club afterwards! (you said dance, i say club. i'm sure you didn't go to a club, but maybe...) That's cool. We should have a swing thing this summer. You'll be invited.

e.c said...

HAHAHA! I am the biggest dope. It wasn't posting i swear!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Aunt Asheth!

The Davis Family said...

Happy Birthday!